I know I'm late again, but please read on. The roof on the Bull Shed is
now ready for the roof tilers, unfortunately the roof tilers aren't quite
ready for the roof! The re-pointing on Phase I is now complete and the
old roof tiles are now being stripped from Phase II. Phase II will comprise
of a pair of one bedroomed cottages which will be known as "The Copper
House" and "The Chaff House", again relating to their former
So it's now a bit of 'deja vu' with all the jobs from the first phase
needing to be repeated. At least, hopefully, the two phases will now both
progress at the same time.
I have chosen the close up of the Bull Shed, showing all timbers installed.
If you hold your mouse over the picture you should be able to see the
Chaff House and Copper House roofs after the tiles are stripped. This
emphasises my point from last month with regard to the timber sizes!
September will be another month of digging, hardcoring and concreting.
Lots of work, not much to see. However vital work if these buildings are
still to be a feature in another 100 years.
I know some of our farmer neighbours would like a bit of rain, but
the long hot days of August have mean't very little in the way of stoppages
for our project. In fact the main problem has been the heat! Great for
lazing in, but very tiring for working in. I shouldn't complain, but it
must be the English in me, the weather is never quite right.
August was overshadowed by the illness of our 10 year old black labrador,
Lucy, who passed away on the 1st September. Little suffering for her,
but much for me, a constant companion now gone. I know you pet owners
will understand. She's had a great life, especially the last three years
in these wonderful surroundings with her friends Charlie the terrier and
Brutus the we're not quite sure. She just had to be my bit of nature for
this month.

Call back soon for further updates.