First of all may I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. The Christmas
festivities have held work up slightly, but nothing too drastic. After
some nasty threats from my associates I did actually have Christmas Day
& Boxing Day off! But now it's pretty much back to normal. At least
I didn't get any post holiday blues!
The Bull Shed didn't quite get to the sealed up stage, but some more
plastering has been carried out and the double glazed units are currently
being manufactured. Also, as you can see, the window frames have now been
fitted. The Chaff House and Copper House are very close to being ready
for the main roof timbers and, with luck, we should again see a change
to the skyline quite soon.
The picture to the right again reveals the current view of the Chaff
House if you move your mouse over it. There has been a lot more brickwork
renovation involved than originally thought. However with the additional
labour on the project it has not set us back too much.
The weather is obviously a problem at this time of year. We lost a
day due to snow but as a rule work continues outside on good days and
inside the Bull Shed and reception on bad days. It is hoped that work
will commence on the main range before the end of the month and there
is still electricity, water and drainage to install. Very busy times ahead.
In the sincere hope that we all enjoy a more peaceful 2004, I've included
a picture of this fellow, although he won't be enjoying a peaceful time
on that roof for much longer!

Call back soon for further updates.