a busy month as we battle to meet the conditions of our grant. The Bull
Shed has to be finished by the end of the month and in a state where it
can be occupied. This as a single unit would not be too daunting, but
all six units will need the services laying to them before the access
to the Bull Shed can be made good. We are also trying to get as much work
as possible completed within the courtyard area so that the Bull Shed
can be used with little disturbance to any occupants.
Floor tiling is complete and decorating largely complete in the west
side, the Bull Shed also has had most of the kitchen fitted and the furniture
is due to arrive in two weeks!! The Chaff House and Copper House are now
tiled in and the windows, doors and some glazing has been completed. The
Chaff House has also had the wiring installed ready for the plastering
to commence.
Rolling your mouse over this picture of the Bull Shed and Reception
building will reveal the current view of the Chaff House and Copper House.
Work on the Main Range is also progressing more of this on page two of
this months report.
The weather has been mainly good to us during March, but on writing
this (3rd April) we have suffered a couple of days of some hefty April
downpours which we could well do without. As you can imagine rain and
digging do not go very well together.
We get quite a few wagtails at various times of the year and this
chap just happened to perch nicely when I had the camera to hand.

If you click on the picture it will take you to page
two of this months report with further pictures.
Call back soon for further updates.