Well the roof tilers arrived and the Bull Shed and Reception are now covered
again. The new clay pantiles are here, they're the packs on the left hand
side, but we may have to wait a little before we see them go on. Anyone
who has tried to get building work done in Lincolnshire will know how
under supplied and over burdened the industry is at the moment.
The old roof timbers from Phase II have been stripped and, although
not very visible, ground works have now commenced. 
I've stuck with the theme from last month with my close ups. The picture
on the right shows the Bull Shed's progress and if you place your mouse
over this it should show you the current state of the Chaff House and
Copper House. The roof covering on the Bull Shed is a relatively new breathable
membrane. This is much stronger than traditional slaters felt and allows
the roof to breathe, eliminating the need for tile and soffitt ventilation.
October will see a continuation of the digging and groundwork's.
There has also been a start on part of Phase III as it was decided to
try to get the digging out of the way while the ground is so good.
I mentioned our farmer neighbours last month, and now they are absolutely
screaming for some moisture. However there loss is our gain as the works
go on largely uninterrupted. I wonder how much longer this weather can
hold out!! The only down side is the darkening evenings, a sign of things
to come. Hopefully electricity and some clever lighting will minimize
the effect.
At the end of the day there are two types of pet owner, those who
can't bear the loss and will never have a pet again, and those who can't
bear the gap and must fill it as soon as possible. Meet Molly, the latest
addition to the Westfield animal clan. Not a replacement, you can't replace
a personality, but an eager recipient of the third bowl of food in the

Call back soon for further updates.